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FAQ (Q: Question / A: Answer)


Q1: What is the minimum participant number?
A1: It's basically two people. However, if you want your solo private tour, please contact us for suggestion. 

Q2: What is the maximum participant number?
A2: If the number of your group participants exceeds the max. number shown in the price list, please contact us for suggestion. You may need a chartered bus. We will provide you with our proposed itinerary and estimate of your comfortable tour for your review. 

Q3: What timing should I use to confirm our ages to define children and infants? 
A3: Please use your ages as of the tour date. This affects administration and public transportation fares.


Q1: Where should we meet on the tour day?
A1: The meeting point is just in front of the Shinkansen (Super Express) gate on Hiroshima Station 2F when you come to Hiroshima by Shinkansen Super Express. Our conductor has a paper written your names.

We will confirm the meeting point with you through our communication beginning one week before the tour day through e-mail. 

If you want our pickup services such as at hotel or cruising ship port, please contact us for estimate. If your hotel is located close to the station, it's free. If far, you may need a taxi arrangement or public transportation. The pickup services cost depends on how far it it.


Q1: What payment methods are available?
A1: Please pay by cash (JPY) on site before departure. As an option, credit card payment through PayPal in advance is also available. 

Q1: What should I do if I want to change the tour date after the contract completion?
A1: Changes made after the contract document is issued are treated as "cancel the original tour" and "newly book a different tour" by the Japanese tourism regulations. 

However, we will accommodate your date change free as much as possible. When your requested change causes penalty problems at our end such as advanced booking of bus, it will be charged to you. To avoid this situation, please inform us of the change ASAP. 

If you book our tour through TripAdvisor, please follow its requirements.


Q1: What should I do if I want to cancel the tour booked?
A1: Please contact us immediately. Please go to this link for more details of the cancellation fee. 

If you book our tour through TripAdvisor, please follow its requirements.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions. We'll find the best way for our customers.
Baggage Room (2F) next to Meeting Point at North Gate
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